These are our general parties involved. To see which party is behind which fund, please read the website of the individual fund.
Accuro Fund Solutions AG
Hintergass 19,
FL-9490 Vaduz
Städtle 44 Postfach 384,
FL 9490 Vaduz
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Vadianstrasse 25a/Neumarkt 5,
CH-9001 St. Gallen
Accuro Fund Solutions AG, Hintergass 19, FL-9490 Vaduz
Asset Management
Cura & Senectus Investment AG, Hintergass 19, FL-9490 Vaduz
Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)
As alternative investment funds generally do not have an economic life of their own, the managers of these funds are identified as a unit to be regulated. These are referred to as Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM). Alternative Investment Fund Managers are legal entities whose role is to manage alternative investment funds. The AIFM has established an effective risk management system to prevent and minimise potential conflicts of interest through consistent monitoring and reporting. Please refer to the official documents for further information.
The custodian, depositary shall hold the assets on behalf of the AIF. The depositary shall also perform the following tasks execution orders or instructions for the subscription, redemption, conversion and transfer of units, and
in the maintenance of the share register and the processing of payment transactions. Please refer to the official documentation for further information.
The external auditor is independent of the company to be examined that checks the current status of the fund and management system on an annual basis. Please refer to the official documents for further information.