Funds C&S Investment


Cura & Senectus Investment AG manages portfolio’s for AIF (contractual or umbrella structures) that may encompass multiple sub funds. The assets and liabilities of each sub funds are legally separated.

(Sub) funds may invest according to their ‘own’ specific investment policy. This investment policy is established within the framework of investment objectives. Net assets of each sub fund or each class of investor shares and net asset value of shares in this sub fund or share class shall be expressed in the corresponding reference currency.

Cura & Senectus Investment AG also manages portfolio’s for UCITS (OGAW) structures that may also be umbrella funds.

The main difference between UCITS and AIF’s are the eligible assets and risk diversification requirements. UCITS are highly regulated and are restricted to transferable securities, dealt on regulated markets, with further compliance, risk diversification and allocation rules. AIF’s are unrestricted as long as the investment is in line with objective and strategy of the fund as approved by its home regulator.


Liechtenstein, a fast rising financial centre within the EEA offers high investor protection and an efficient banking system. Liechtenstein is a AAA-rated country, based on a liberal economic policy with a high level of political continuity, stability and (tax) union with Switzerland.

Liechtenstein provides a one-stop-shop financial domicile, strong in fund structures coupled with an entrepreneurial business environment.

Liechtenstein is a member of EEA (European Economic Area), EFTA (European Free Trade Association), UNO (Unitded Nations Organisation) and WTO (World Trade Organisation), has a base currency in Swiss Francs and is neighbour to Austria and Switzerland.


Our latest thoughts and ideas are shared here;

Volatility is terrific; an interview by Larry Jones CIO, Cura & Senectus

Managing Volatility in challenging times; by Larry Jones (Chief Investment Officer) at Cura & Senectus